Optimization of SP Cards - Versione stampabile

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Optimization of SP Cards - jmooks - 10-09-2011 02:39 PM

doesen't exists any cheat that makes the optimization of the SP card to the first time?
(cheat engine's unrandomizer doesn't works for this, but it works to the minigames)

RE: Optimization of SP Cards - AlbyThePowaBAN - 10-09-2011 02:50 PM

sorrry but doens't exist

RE: Optimization of SP Cards - Yoshitoki - 10-09-2011 02:51 PM

I don't understand...

RE: Optimization of SP Cards - Rameel - 10-09-2011 03:27 PM

Cheat Enzine works only for Client Side...
Ps: Il nostro forum sta facendo il giro del mondo o.o

RE: Optimization of SP Cards - jmooks - 10-09-2011 04:37 PM

ohh i thought as cheat engine can work for random variables of the minigames, could also work for the random variables of SP card optimizaions... Sad

RE: Optimization of SP Cards - Karim - 10-09-2011 05:24 PM

sorrry but doens't exist

RE: Optimization of SP Cards - Rameel - 10-09-2011 05:29 PM

The mini-game are in Client Side.

RE: Optimization of SP Cards - FinalShot - 11-09-2011 11:37 AM

lol anke inglesi??

RE: Optimization of SP Cards - Palla di Pelo - 11-09-2011 04:06 PM

(11-09-2011 11:37 AM)mattangello2 Ha scritto:  lol anke inglesi??

Questo è SPAM.

RE: Optimization of SP Cards - Yoshitoki - 15-09-2011 09:53 PM

Citazione:Giocavo su tempo fa, quando lasciai regalai item a manetta e spammavo per totale il sito di nostrucchi, avevo mezza nos che mi correva dietro xD

E questo è OT...,avvertimento <_<