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DecryptSessionPacket big problem
28-01-2013 06:56 AM
Messaggio: #1
DecryptSessionPacket big problem


Messaggi : 2

Registrato dal : Dec 2012

Reputazione : 0

Stato : Offline

Premi :

Hi I want to start out learning to write a small game server in C + +
But I get the not Decrypt Session

My code
int iSessionID; // for SessionID  
std::string sSessionID = DecryptSessionPacket(Recv); // save Decrypt SessionID
std::vector<std::string> pSessionID = split(sSessionID.c_str(),  ' ');  // Split sSessionID and save on vector
std::stringstream ss(pSessionID[1].c_str());  // save result from pSessionID
ss >> iSessionID;  // convert string to int
std::cout << iSessionID << std::endl;  // replay iSessionID

But it does not want to play the session
NosTale has one new decryption / encryption?

This is my SessionPacketDecrpytion of Trollface

std::string DecryptSessionPacket(std::string str)
    std::string    encrypted_string;

    for (int i = 1; i < str.length(); i++)
        if (str[i] == 0xE) { return encrypted_string; }

        unsigned char firstbyte = str[i] - 0xF;
        unsigned char secondbyte = firstbyte;
        secondbyte &= 0xF0;
        firstbyte =    firstbyte - secondbyte;
        secondbyte >>=    0x4;

        switch (secondbyte)
        case 0:
            encrypted_string +=    ' ';

        case 1:
            encrypted_string +=    ' ';

        case 2:
            encrypted_string +=    '-';

        case 3:
            encrypted_string +=    '.';

            secondbyte += 0x2C;
            encrypted_string +=    secondbyte;

        switch (firstbyte)
        case 0:
            encrypted_string +=    ' ';

        case 1:
            encrypted_string += ' ';

        case 2:
            encrypted_string += '-';

        case 3:
            encrypted_string += '.';

            firstbyte += 0x2C;
            encrypted_string +=    firstbyte;

    return encrypted_string;
Hope someone can help me

Ps: Sorry for my bad english
(Questo messaggio è stato modificato l'ultima volta il: 31-01-2013 01:34 PM da Utente.)
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Email Cerca Rispondi
28-01-2013 01:22 PM
Messaggio: #2
RE: DecryptSessionPacket big problem
Utente Saggio
Utente Storico


Messaggi : 1,416

Registrato dal : Apr 2012

Stato : Offline

Premi :

session decrypt is correct..
if i don't know your code for receive i can't help you..
contact me on skype: thesmilux..

on bordergame just i'm, thekingprogrammer, trollface and ernilos know how complete a server..
other people don't know sockets, c++ etc.. D:
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29-01-2013 07:41 AM
Messaggio: #3
RE: DecryptSessionPacket big problem


Messaggi : 2

Registrato dal : Dec 2012

Reputazione : 0

Stato : Offline

Premi :

Okay I have the Session

my Code
#pragma comment(lib, "Ws2_32.lib")

// Define
#define MAX_SOCKET 10
#define RECV_BUFFER 512

// Includes
#include <iostream>
#include <WinSock2.h>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>

using namespace std;

int WsaStart(void); // Simpel WSA-Start Function
std::string DecryptSessionPacket(std::string str); // Decrypt Session Function  
std::vector<std::string> split( std::string str, char delimiter ); // Split Function
std::string DecryptGamePacket2(unsigned char str[]); // DecryptGame2 Function
std::string DecryptGamePacket(int session_id, unsigned char *str, int length); // DecryptGame Function

int main()
    SetConsoleTitle(L"Simpel Server");
    int iResult;
    long lRc;
    SOCKET sAcceptSocket;
    SOCKADDR_IN sAddr;
    char cBuf[RECV_BUFFER];
    char rBuf[RECV_BUFFER];
    FD_SET FdSet;

    lRc = WsaStart();

    if(lRc != 0)
        cout << "Error: WsaStart : " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
        return 1;
        cout << "WinSock Started" << endl;

    sAcceptSocket = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, NULL);

    if(sAcceptSocket == INVALID_SOCKET)
        cout << "Error: Socket can not Creat : " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
        return 1;
        cout << "AcceptSocket Creat" << endl;

    // Socket bind
    memset(&sAddr, NULL, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN));
    sAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    sAddr.sin_port   = htons(4017);
    sAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr("");

    lRc = bind(sAcceptSocket, (SOCKADDR*)&sAddr, sizeof(SOCKADDR_IN));

    if(lRc == SOCKET_ERROR)
        cout << "Error: Bind : " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
        return 1;
        cout << "Socket bind on port 4017" << endl;

    lRc = listen(sAcceptSocket, MAX_SOCKET);

    if(lRc == SOCKET_ERROR)
        cout << "Error: listen : " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;
        return 1;
        cout << "sAcceptSocket on list mod" << endl;

    for(int i = 0; i < MAX_SOCKET; i++)
        sClient[i] = INVALID_SOCKET;

        FD_SET(sAcceptSocket, &FdSet);

        for(int i = 0; i < MAX_SOCKET; i++)
            if(sClient[i] != INVALID_SOCKET)
                FD_SET(sClient[i], &FdSet);

        lRc = select(0, &FdSet, NULL, NULL, NULL);

        if(lRc == SOCKET_ERROR)
            cout << "Error: select : " << WSAGetLastError() << endl;

        if(FD_ISSET(sAcceptSocket, &FdSet))
            for(int i = 0; i < MAX_SOCKET; i++)
                if(sClient[i] == INVALID_SOCKET)
                    sClient[i] = accept(sAcceptSocket, NULL, NULL);
                    cout << "New Client" << endl;

                    iResult = recv(sClient[i], rBuf, RECV_BUFFER, NULL);

                    string sSessionID = DecryptSessionPacket(rBuf);
                    vector<string> pSessionID = split(sSessionID.c_str(), ' ');
                    stringstream tSessionID(pSessionID[0].c_str());
                    int iSessionID;
                    tSessionID >> iSessionID;

                    cout << "Session-ID: " << iSessionID << "\n" << endl;
                    cout << "Size: " << iResult << endl;

                    iResult = recv(sClient[i], rBuf, RECV_BUFFER, NULL);
                    cout << "DecryptGamePacket: " << DecryptGamePacket(iSessionID, (unsigned char*)rBuf, iResult) << endl;
                    cout << "Size: " << iResult << endl;


        for(int i = 0; i < MAX_SOCKET; i++)
            if(sClient[i] == INVALID_SOCKET)

            if(FD_ISSET(sClient[i], &FdSet))
                lRc = recv(sClient[i], rBuf, RECV_BUFFER, NULL);

                if(lRc == 0 || lRc == SOCKET_ERROR)
                    cout << "Client " << i << " have close connection" << endl;
                    sClient[i] = INVALID_SOCKET;
                    // Recv



    return 0;  

int WsaStart(void)
    WSADATA dWsa;
    return WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 0), &dWsa);
std::string DecryptSessionPacket(std::string str)
    std::string    encrypted_string;

    for (int i = 1; i < str.length(); i++)
                if (str[i] == 0xE) { return encrypted_string; }

        unsigned char firstbyte = str[i] - 0xF;
        unsigned char secondbyte = firstbyte;
        secondbyte &= 0xF0;
        firstbyte =    firstbyte - secondbyte;
        secondbyte >>=    0x4;

        switch (secondbyte)
        case 0:
            encrypted_string +=    ' ';

        case 1:
            encrypted_string +=    ' ';

        case 2:
            encrypted_string +=    '-';

        case 3:
            encrypted_string +=    '.';

            secondbyte += 0x2C;
            encrypted_string +=    secondbyte;

        switch (firstbyte)
        case 0:
            encrypted_string +=    '\0';

        case 1:
            encrypted_string += ' ';

        case 2:
            encrypted_string += '-';

        case 3:
            encrypted_string += '.';

            firstbyte += 0x2C;
            encrypted_string +=    firstbyte;

    return encrypted_string;
std::vector<std::string> split( std::string str, char delimiter )
    std::vector<std::string> ret;

    size_t pos = str.find_first_of( delimiter );

    while ( !str.empty() )
        std::string cur = str.substr( 0, pos );
        if ( !cur.empty() )
            ret.push_back( cur );

        if ( pos == std::string::npos )

        str = str.substr( pos + 1 );

        pos = str.find_first_of( delimiter );

    return ret;
std::string DecryptGamePacket2(unsigned char str[])
    std::string decrypted_string;
    char table[] = {' ','-','.','0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','n'};
    int count = 0;

    for (count = 0; count < strlen((const char*)str); )
        if (str[count] <= 0x7A)
            unsigned char len = str[count];

            for (int i = 0; i < (int)len; i++)
                decrypted_string += str[count] ^ 0xFF;

        } else
            unsigned char len = str[count];
            len &= 0x7F;

            for (int i = 0; i < (int)len;)

                unsigned char highbyte = str[count];
                highbyte &= 0xF0;
                highbyte >>= 0x4;

                unsigned char lowbyte = str[count];
                lowbyte &= 0x0F;

                if (highbyte != 0x0 && highbyte != 0xF)
                    decrypted_string += table[highbyte-1];

                if (lowbyte != 0x0 && lowbyte != 0xF)
                    decrypted_string += table[lowbyte-1];
            count ++;

    return decrypted_string;
std::string DecryptGamePacket(int session_id, unsigned char *str, int length)
    std::string encrypted_string = "";
    int session_key = session_id & 0xFF;
    unsigned char session_number = session_id >> 6;
    session_number &= 0xFF;
    session_number &= 0x80000003;

    switch (session_number)
    case 0:
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                unsigned char firstbyte = session_key + 0x40;
                unsigned char highbyte = str[i] - firstbyte;
                encrypted_string += highbyte;

    case 1:
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                unsigned char firstbyte = session_key + 0x40;
                unsigned char highbyte = str[i] + firstbyte;
                encrypted_string += highbyte;

    case 2:
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                unsigned char firstbyte = session_key + 0x40;
                unsigned char highbyte = str[i] - firstbyte ^ 0xC3;
                encrypted_string += highbyte;

    case 3:
        for (int i = 0; i < length; i++)
                unsigned char firstbyte = session_key + 0x40;
                unsigned char highbyte = str[i] + firstbyte ^ 0xC3;
                encrypted_string += highbyte;

        encrypted_string += 0xF;

    std::vector<std::string> temp = split(encrypted_string, 0xFF);
    std::string save;

    for (int i = 0; i < temp.size(); i++)
        save += DecryptGamePacket2((unsigned char*) temp[i].c_str());
        save += 0xFF;

    return save;

But I get the game not decrypt packet

A photo of the console
(Questo messaggio è stato modificato l'ultima volta il: 31-01-2013 01:35 PM da Utente.)
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Email Cerca Rispondi
30-01-2013 06:46 PM
Messaggio: #4
RE: DecryptSessionPacket big problem


Messaggi : 14

Registrato dal : Sep 2012

Reputazione : 0

Stato : Offline

Premi :

string sSessionID = DecryptSessionPacket(rBuf);
vector<string> pSessionID = split(sSessionID.c_str(), ' ');
stringstream tSessionID(pSessionID[0].c_str());
int iSessionID;
tSessionID >> iSessionID;
That is better
int SessionID = atoi(split(sSessionID.c_str(),0x20)[1].c_str());
and you bug, is because the Session is [1] not [0] Tongue
(Questo messaggio è stato modificato l'ultima volta il: 31-01-2013 01:36 PM da Utente.)
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Email Cerca Rispondi
31-01-2013 01:32 PM
Messaggio: #5
RE: DecryptSessionPacket big problem
Staf Away - Gruppo Onorario
Elite Coder
Utente Saggio
Utente Storico

official Mod -ON-

Messaggi : 1,844

Registrato dal : Nov 2010

Reputazione : 57

Stato : Away

Premi :

Please boyz use the "[code]" and the "[spoiler]" tag for write and toggle your source code.
I edit your post this time Smile

Thx for all, nice development
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